I use a function idetitle() that can change the window title of the Matlab GUI itself. Useful in a development environment where I'm running several Matlab processes, possible on different branches of source code or model runs. Sometimes I'll put the PID in the window title to make it easy to find in Process Explorer for monitoring resource usage.
function idetitle(Title)
%IDETITLE Set Window title of the Matlab IDE
% Examples:
% idetitle('Matlab - Foo model')
% idetitle(sprintf('Matlab - some big model - #%d', feature('getpid')))
win = appwin();
if ~isempty(win)
function out = appwin()
%APPWIN Get main application window
wins = java.awt.Window.getOwnerlessWindows();
for i = 1:numel(wins)
if isa(wins(i), 'com.mathworks.mde.desk.MLMainFrame')
out = wins(i);
out = [];