I am trying to get Fullcalendar working with twitter boostrap popovers.
if I click an event, i want to show some details in the popover.
So first added this lil snippet
This code helped me
eventRender: function (event, element) {
title: event.name,
placement: 'right',
content: + '<br />Start: ' + event.starts_at + '<br />End: ' + event.ends_at + '<br />Description: ' + event.description,
bootstrap version - 2.3.2, full calendar - 1.6.4
taken from https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/twitter-bootstrap-stackoverflow/9pkC3_lodmY
Append the popover to the calendar container to scroll the popover with the calendar.
html: true,
placement: 'right'
For days ;
dayClick: function (date, jsEvent, view) {
//return eventCreate(date, null, jsEvent, view);
var CurrentDay = $(this);
html: true,
placement: 'auto',
title: date.format(),
content: function() {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 2000);
return $("#popover-day").html();
For Events;
eventRender: function (event, element, view){
var dStart = event.title
animation: true,
placement: 'top',
html: true,
container: 'body',
title: dStart,
trigger: 'click',
content: function() {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 2000);
return $('#popover-content').html();
In your HTML;
<ul id="popover-content" class="list-group" style="display: none">
<a href="#" id="Eventaaa" class="list-group-item" onclick="aaa();">aaa</a>
<a href="#" id="Eventbbb" class="list-group-item" onclick="bbb();">bbb</a>
<a href="#" id="Eventccc" class="list-group-item" onclick="ccc();">ccc</a>
<ul id="popover-day" class="list-group" style="display: none">
<a href="#" id="Dayaaa" class="list-group-item" onclick="fDayaaa();">aaa</a>
<a href="#" id="Dayyyy" class="list-group-item" onclick="fDayyyy();">yyy</a>
<a href="#" id="Dayxxx" class="list-group-item" onclick="fDayxxx();">xxx</a>
From version 2.3 bootstrap now has a "container" option for popovers which appends the popover to a specific element.
just add {container:'body'}
to append it to the body