I am running a nodejs + express based api server from heroku and using the dropbox-js library. Here\'s what I\'d like to do:
Took me a bit of testing, but it's possible.
First, you need to authenticate through the browser and save the token and token secret that are returned by Dropbox:
dbClient.authenticate(function(error, client) {
console.log('token ', client.oauth.token); // THE_TOKEN
console.log('secret', client.oauth.tokenSecret); // THE_TOKEN_SECRET
Once you have the token and the secret, you can use them in the Dropbox.Client
var dbClient = new Dropbox.Client({
sandbox : false,
token : THE_TOKEN,
tokenSecret : THE_TOKEN_SECRET
After that, you won't get bothered with having to authenticate through a browser anymore (or at least not until someone runs the code again without the token and the secret, which will make Dropbox generate a new token/secret pair and invalidate the old ones, or the apps credentials are revoked).
Or you can just use the Implicit grant and get the oauth token.
var client = new Dropbox.Client({
key: "xxxxx",
secret: "xxxxx",
token:"asssdsadadsadasdasdasdasdaddadadadsdsa", //got from implicit grant
No need to get to the browser at all.This line is no longer required!
client.authDriver(new Dropbox.AuthDriver.NodeServer(8191));