This is subsequent to the thread I posted here
After lot of troubleshooting I found that this code works without any problems
import React from \'react\'
With combined reducers your store will have data structure like that:
DimensionPickerReducer: {
dimenisionName: '',
pickerIsLoading: false,
pickerError: '',
currentAttribute: '',
attributeList: []
DataTableReducer: {
tableData: [],
tableError: ''
So you should adjust your containers to work with combined store. For example in DimensionPickerContainer.js
you should change mapStateToProps
const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
return {
attributeList : state.DimensionPickerReducer.attributeList,
currentAttribute : state.DimensionPickerReducer.currentAttribute
You can also name your reduces in store, so they would not look ugly in data structure. E.g. combineReducers({ dimensionPicker: DimensionPickerReducer, dataTable: DataTableReducer})