I\'m building backend system, as written in Iain Hecker\'s tutorial: http://iain.nl/backends-in-rails-3-1 and I try to adapt it to MongoDB with Mongoid.
So when I need t
Use the built-in method:
# => ["_id", "created_at", "updated_at", "name", "address"]
You're on the right track with attribute_names
. I think you just need to make sure you're including your module in the proper place. For instance, if you had the same module:
module Backend::ResourceHelper
def attributes
resource_class.attribute_names - %w(id created_at updated_at)
Your class should look like so:
class User
include Mongoid::Document
extend Backend::ResourceHelper
devise_for :users
field :name
field :address
Then calling User.attributes
should return ["name", "address"]
Mongoid already provides you the attributes for an object:
To get the names for these attributes:
One thing to take note of is that Model.fields.keys will only list the field keys that are defined in the Model class. If you use dynamic fields they will not be shown. Model.attributes.keys will also include the attribute keys for any dynamic fields you have used.