We\'re developing a custom EventEmitter inspired message system in Objective-C. For listeners to provide callbacks, should we require blocks or selectors and
A thing about a library is, that you can only to some extend anticipate, how it will be used. so you need to provide a solution, that is as simple and open as possible — and familiar to the users.
some useful thoughts on API-Design: http://mattgemmell.com/2012/05/24/api-design/
Great writeup!
Coming from writing lots of JavaScript, event-driven programming feels way cleaner than having delegates back and forth, in my personal opinion.
Regarding the memory-managing aspect of listeners, my attempt at solving this (drawing heavily from Mike Ash's MAKVONotificationCenter), swizzles both the caller and emitter's dealloc
implementation (as seen here) in order to safely remove listeners in both ways.
I'm not entirely sure how safe this approach is, but the idea is to try it 'til it breaks.
I think the right thing to do is to implement both, use it as a client, and see what feels most natural. There are advantages to both approaches, and it really depends on the context and how you expect the SDK to be used.
The primary advantage of selectors is simple memory management--as long as the client registers and unregisters correctly, it doesn't need to worry about memory leaks. With blocks, memory management can get complex, depending on what the client does inside the block. It's also easier to unit test the callback method. Blocks can certainly be written to be testable, but it's not common practice from what I've seen.
The primary advantage of blocks is flexibility--the client can easily reference local variables without making them ivars.
So I think it just depends on the use case--there is no "objective right answer" to such a general design question.
Personally, I hate using delegates. Because of how objective-C is structured, It really clutters code up If I have to create a separate object / add a protocol just to be notified of one of your events, and I have to implement 5/6. For this reason, I prefer blocks.
While they (blocks) do have their disadvantages (e.x. memory management can be tricky). They are easily extendable, simple to implement, and just make sense in most situations.
While apple's design structures may use the sender-delegate method, this is only for backwards compatibility. More recent Apple APIs have been using blocks (e.x. CoreData), because they are the future of objective-c. While they can clutter code when used overboard, it also allows for simpler 'anonymous delegates', which is not possible in objective C.
In the end though, it really boils down to this: Are you willing to abandon some older, more dated platforms in exchange for using blocks vs. a delegate? One major advantage of a delegate is that it is guaranteed to work in any version of the objc-runtime, whereas blocks are a more recent addition to the language.
As far as NSNotificationCenter
is concerned, they are both useful, and have their purposes, but as a delegate, they are not intended to be used. Neither can send a result back to the sender, and for some situations, that is vital (-webView:shouldLoadRequest:
for example).