Scala has a function groupBy
on lists that accepts a function for extracting keys from list items, and returns another list where the items are tuples consisting of
This solution will break and group by on (f x), regardless wether it is sorted or not
f = (`mod` (2::Int))
list = [1,3,4,6,8,9] :: [Int]
myGroupBy :: Eq t => (b -> t) -> [b] -> [(t, [b])]
myGroupBy f (z:zs) = reverse $ foldl (g f) [(f z,[z])] zs
-- folding function
g f ((tx, xs):previous) y = if (tx == ty)
then (tx, y:xs):previous
else (ty, [y]):(tx, reverse xs):previous
where ty = f y
main = print $ myGroupBy f list
result: [(1,[1,3]),(0,[4,6,8]),(1,[9])]