I have a symfony2 application.
On the prod server I want all my routes to go via https, while in dev I want to be able to use http. How do I achieve that with symfony2 a
You can define parameter for that. In app/config/config.yml
httpProtocol: http
Then in app/config/config_prod.yml
httpProtocol: https
And in routing.yml
change to:
resource: "@MyBundle/Controller/"
type: annotation
prefix: /
schemes: ['%httpProtocol%']
Clear the cache (both prod and dev) and it should work.
I think you can check the scheme in app_dev.php
file and base on that redirect it to https
$url = parse_url($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
if ($url['scheme'] == 'http') {
header("Location: https://{$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']}{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}");
Or maybe able to apply some changes in .htaccess
for app_dev.php
in URL
My first solution works fine, yet one should take care to not overwrite one own's routes in the routing_dev.yml
. At the end of the file, I had
resource: routing.yml
so all my bundle route was changed back to the https-scheme. Ordering the entries, so that my custom entry comes last resolved the issue.
Change your app.php last lines like this:
if ($request->getScheme() === 'http') {
$urlRedirect = str_replace($request->getScheme(), 'https', $request->getUri());
$response = new RedirectResponse($urlRedirect);
} else {
$response = $kernel->handle($request);
$kernel->terminate($request, $response);