UPDATE: If you plan to implement the
solution, you must place it in a separate file to prevent redundant e
Taking a Cue from Bootstrap 4, you could combine a SASS map with a loop like below;
/* Define all colours */
$theme-colours: (
some-color: #000,
another-color: #000,
third-color: #000,
fourth-color: #000
@each $color, $value in $theme-colours {
$color: $value;
Here's some examples from the Bootstrap 4 Docs
Some improvements to the accepted answer:
Use camelcase so you will be able to individually export a variable.
Set the @each
directive outside so it won't generate a new :export
at-rule for each variable.
$theme-colors: (
'someColor': #000,
'anotherColor': #FFF,
:export {
@each $key, $value in $theme-colors {
#{unquote($key)}: $value;
import styles from './core-styles/brand/_variables.scss' // { anotherColor: "#FFF", someColor: "#000" }
import { someColor } from './core-styles/brand/_variables.scss' // #000
Side note: I prefer using quotes inside Sass Maps, but you can omit them.
You can try using SCSS map
example here
$defalutColor:#000; // your default color
$colors: ( headingColor: #6446ff, preragraphColor: #1b1b1b, linkColor: #1dc506); //decleared color function
@function color($value:$defalutColor) {
@if map-has-key($colors, $value) {
@return map-get($colors, $value);
@return $defalutColor; //when not decleared color then the return default color
Use below command for use color function here
element {
color: color(linkColor); //call the function for set color
color: color(); // when blank call then the give function default color it's predefined
You can learn about SCSS Maps
here link: https://sass-lang.com/documentation/values/maps