I want to get month name from two digit month number (ex- 09). I tried with this code. But it doesn\'t work. The code give current month name only. What are the correct code for
You need to pass the month as a number, not text - so...
var formattedMonth = moment().month(9).format('MMMM');
Result: October
For those looking to do it and changing languages (locale), this is what I did
let month = moment().month(09).locale('pt-br').format('MMMM');
You want to pass the month when you create the Moment object:
var formattedMonth = moment('09', 'MM').format('MMMM'); // September
'09', // Desired month
'MM' // Tells MomentJs the number is a reference to month
).format('MMMM') // Formats month as name
While there's nothing wrong with Kevin's answer, it is probably more correct (in terms of efficiency) to obtain the month string without going through a moment
var monthNum = 9; // assuming Jan = 1
var monthName = moment.months(monthNum - 1); // "September"
var shortName = moment.monthsShort(monthNum - 1); // "Sep"