I need to convert Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpRequest from an AspNetCore context to an HttpRequestMessage to pass to an HttpClient. Is there
Both IHttpRequestMessageFeature
and Microsoft.AspNetCore.Proxy
are discontinued. IHttpRequestMessageFeature
has been removed since ASP.NET Core 3.0.
Microsoft now has a new reverse proxy nuget package Microsoft.ReverseProxy based on ASP.NET Core infrastructure. As per their docs, IHttpProxy
for direct proxying scenario can:
serve as the core proxy adapter between incoming AspNetCore and outgoing System.Net.Http requests. It handles the mechanics of creating a
from aHttpContext
, sending it, and relaying the response.
Here is an example.
Try Web API Compatibility Shim
HttpRequestMessageFeature hreqmf = new HttpRequestMessageFeature(context);
HttpRequestMessage httpRequestMessage = hreqmf.HttpRequestMessage;
Or you could get inspired by Microsoft.AspNetCore.Proxy
These extensions to httpContext may come in handy.
I ended up doing this:
public static class RequestTranscriptHelpers
public static HttpRequestMessage ToHttpRequestMessage(this HttpRequest req)
=> new HttpRequestMessage()
private static HttpRequestMessage SetAbsoluteUri(this HttpRequestMessage msg, HttpRequest req)
=> msg.Set(m => m.RequestUri = new UriBuilder
Scheme = req.Scheme,
Host = req.Host.Host,
Port = req.Host.Port.Value,
Path = req.PathBase.Add(req.Path),
Query = req.QueryString.ToString()
private static HttpRequestMessage SetMethod(this HttpRequestMessage msg, HttpRequest req)
=> msg.Set(m => m.Method = new HttpMethod(req.Method));
private static HttpRequestMessage SetHeaders(this HttpRequestMessage msg, HttpRequest req)
=> req.Headers.Aggregate(msg, (acc, h) => acc.Set(m => m.Headers.TryAddWithoutValidation(h.Key, h.Value.AsEnumerable())));
private static HttpRequestMessage SetContent(this HttpRequestMessage msg, HttpRequest req)
=> msg.Set(m => m.Content = new StreamContent(req.Body));
private static HttpRequestMessage SetContentType(this HttpRequestMessage msg, HttpRequest req)
=> msg.Set(m => m.Content.Headers.Add("Content-Type", req.ContentType), applyIf: req.Headers.ContainsKey("Content-Type"));
private static HttpRequestMessage Set(this HttpRequestMessage msg, Action<HttpRequestMessage> config, bool applyIf = true)
if (applyIf)
return msg;
public static class ResponseTranscriptHelpers
public static async Task FromHttpResponseMessage(this HttpResponse resp, HttpResponseMessage msg)
await resp.SetBodyAsync(msg);
private static HttpResponse SetStatusCode(this HttpResponse resp, HttpResponseMessage msg)
=> resp.Set(r => r.StatusCode = (int)msg.StatusCode);
private static HttpResponse SetHeaders(this HttpResponse resp, HttpResponseMessage msg)
=> msg.Headers.Aggregate(resp, (acc, h) => acc.Set(r => r.Headers[h.Key] = new StringValues(h.Value.ToArray())));
private static async Task<HttpResponse> SetBodyAsync(this HttpResponse resp, HttpResponseMessage msg)
using (var stream = await msg.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync())
using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream))
var content = await reader.ReadToEndAsync();
return resp.Set(async r => await r.WriteAsync(content));
private static HttpResponse SetContentType(this HttpResponse resp, HttpResponseMessage msg)
=> resp.Set(r => r.ContentType = msg.Content.Headers.GetValues("Content-Type").Single(), applyIf: msg.Content.Headers.Contains("Content-Type"));
private static HttpResponse Set(this HttpResponse msg, Action<HttpResponse> config, bool applyIf = true)
if (applyIf)
return msg;
I haven't tried @Strenkor En'Triel response since I found this solution first, but I will try it.