Indexed documents are like:
id: 1,
title: \'Blah\',
platform: {id: 84, url: \'\', title: \'Facebook\'}
If you don't necessarily need to get the value of
, you could get away with a single aggregation instead using a script
that concatenates the two fields name
and url
aggs: {
platforms: {
terms: {script: 'doc[""].value + "," + doc["platform.url"].value'}
It seems the best way to show intentions is top hits aggregation: "from each aggregated group select only one document", and then extract platform from it:
aggs: {
platforms: {
terms: {field: ''},
aggs: {
platform: {top_hits: {size: 1, _source: {include: ['platform']}}}
This way, each bucked will look like:
{"key": 7,
"doc_count": 529939,
"platform": {
"hits": {
"hits": [{
"_source": {
{"id": 7, "name": "Facebook", "url": ""}
Which is kinda too deeep (as usual with ES), but clean: bucket.platform.hits.hits.first._source.platform