Suggestions on syntax to express mathematical formula concisely

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予麋鹿 2021-02-02 08:46

I am developing functional domain specific embedded language within C++ to translate formulas into working code as concisely and accurately as possible.

I posted a proto

  • 2021-02-02 09:12

    I'm not familiar with Phoenix and can only make assumptions about it's capabilities.

    I've always liked the way Haskell allows me to express ranges as a list comprehension. It translates nicely from the actual mathematical notation into the programming language construct.

    [ i + j | i <- [1..10], j <- [1..10] ]

    would end up as something like:

    [ i + j | i = range(1,10), j = range(1,10) ]

    Unfortunately I really don't know if something like this is even possible with Phoenix.

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  • 2021-02-02 09:15

    You may want to look at APLish languages for inspiration. By working with the matrix/array as a whole, you can get the brevity down quite a bit. I'm going to use Q below, and unless I misread your post, your second statement can be written as:

    sum raze (T-flip T) div e

    To understand T minus flip T, you need to look at an example. Imagine we have T set to the following matrix:

    0 1 2
    3 4 5
    6 7 8

    flip T swaps the top two dimensions, which results in:

    0 3 6
    1 4 7
    2 5 8

    So T-flip T is basically T(i,j)-T(j,i) but a lot less typing, and thus a lot less error-prone.

    The raze reduces an array to a single dimension, so razing this:

    0 3 6
    1 4 7
    2 5 8

    turns it into this:

    0 3 6 1 4 7 2 5 8

    Finally, the sum is sum-over; it basically adds up all of the members of its list, so

    sum 0 3 6 1 4 7 2 5 8



    Implementing this kind of thing in C++ isn't that difficult; you could:


    with the right level of operator overloading.

    By the way, K is even more brief:

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  • 2021-02-02 09:15


    I'm sure you'll find some syntax that balances concision and clarity. However good it is, it will be vastly improved by providing encapsulation. So instead of

    qty = sum(range(i) < j < N))[(T(i,j) - T(j,i))/e(i+j)];

    You could have

    Texpr = (T(i,j) - T(j,i))/e(i+j);
    RangeExpr = (range(i) < j < N);
    qty = sum(RangeExpr)[ Texpr ];

    That might afford you more verbosity in the syntax.

    PS: Isn't this Mathematica? Mathematica C/C++ Language Interface

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  • 2021-02-02 09:19

    If you're going to be writing this for the ab-initio world (which I'm guessing from your MP2 equation) you want to make it very easy and clear to express things as close to the mathematical definition that you can.

    For one, I wouldn't have the complicated range function. Have it define a loop, but if you want nested loops, specify them both:

    So instead of

    (range(i) < j < N)[T(i,j) = (T(i,j) - T(j,i))/e(i+j)];


    loop(j,0,N)[loop(i,0,j)[T(i,j) = (T(i,j) - T(j,i))/e(i+j)]]

    And for things like sum and product, make the syntax "inherit" from the fact that it's a loop.

    So instead of

    sum(range(i) < j < N))[(T(i,j) - T(j,i))/e(i+j)];


    sum(j,0,n)[loop(i,0,j)[(T(i,j) - T(j,i))/e(i+j)]]

    or if you need a double sum

    sum(j,0,n)[sum(i,0,j)[(T(i,j) - T(j,i))/e(i+j)]]

    Since it looks like you're trying to represent quantum mechanical operators, then try to make your language constructs match the operator on a 1-1 basis as closely as possible. That way it's easy to translate (and clear about what's being translated).


    since you're doing quantum chemistry, then it's fairly easy (at least as syntax goes). You define operators that always work on what's to the right of them and then the only other thing you need are parenthesis to group where an operator stops.

    Einstein notation is fun where you don't specify the indices or bounds and they're implied because of convention, however that doesn't make clear code and it's harder to think about.

    For sums, even if the bounds implied, they're always easy to figure out based on the context, so you should always make people specify them.


    Since each operator works to the right, its variables are known, so j can know about i, a can know about i and j and b can know about i,j, and a.

    From my experience with quantum chemists (I am one too!) they don't like complicated syntax that differs much from what they write. They are happy to separate double and triple sums and integrals into a collection of singles because those are just shorthand anyway.

    Symmetry isn't going to be that hard either. It's just a collection of swaps and adds or multiplies. I'd do something where you specify the operation which contains a list of the elements that are the same and can be swapped:


    This says that a and b are can be considered identical particles under a c2v operation. That means that any equation with a and b (such as the a+b after it) should be transformed into a linear combination of the c2v transformations. the sigma_x is the operation in c2v that you want applied to your function, (a+b). If I remember correctly, that's 1/sqrt(2)((a+b)+(b+a)). But I don't have my symmetry book here, so that could be wrong.

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  • 2021-02-02 09:19
    T = T - T'/e;

    or, if you're not operating on all of T

    T(0:i,0:j) = T(0:i,0:j) - T(0:i,0:j)'/e(0:i,0:j)
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  • 2021-02-02 09:20

    my prototype (still needs lots of work obviously, and comments)

    // #include "tensor/tensor.hpp"
    // #include "typename.hpp"
    #include <boost/spirit/home/phoenix/core/argument.hpp>
    #include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_core.hpp>
    #include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_operator.hpp>
    #include <boost/fusion/functional/invocation/limits.hpp>
    #include <boost/fusion/functional.hpp>
    #include <boost/fusion/include/intrinsic.hpp>
    #include <boost/fusion/include/vector.hpp>
    #include <boost/fusion/include/algorithm.hpp>
    #include <boost/fusion/include/vector_tie.hpp>
    #include <boost/fusion/include/make_vector.hpp>
    #include <boost/typeof/typeof.hpp>
    namespace range_ {
        namespace detail {
            namespace phoenix = boost::phoenix;
            namespace fusion = boost::fusion;
            /// undefined or implicit object
            struct undefined {};
            template<int N>
            struct index {
                // index(boost::phoenix::argument<N>) {}
                typedef phoenix::actor<phoenix::argument<N> > argument;
                argument arg() const { return argument(); }
            template<typename T, typename U = void>
            struct functional {
                typedef phoenix::actor<phoenix::value<T> > type;
                static type form(const T& t) { return type(t); }
            template<typename T, typename U>
            struct functional<phoenix::actor<T>, U> {
                typedef phoenix::actor<T> type;
                static type form(const T& t) { return type(t); }
            template<typename T>
            struct functional<undefined,T> {
                typedef typename functional<T>::type type;
                static type form(const undefined&) { return type(T()); }
            template<int N, class L, class U, class T = undefined>
            struct expression;
            template<int N, class L, class U, class C>
            struct expression {
                typedef functional<L,U> lower_function;
                typedef functional<U,L> upper_function;
                expression(const L &lower, const U& upper, const C &cdr)
                    : lower_(lower), upper_(upper), cdr_(cdr) {}
                template<class E>
                expression<N, L, U, E> operator()(const E &c) const {
                    return expression<N, L, U, E>(lower_,  upper_, c);
                template<class F>
                void operator[](const F &f) const {
    #define TEXT(z, n, text) text
                    evaluate<int>(f, fusion::make_vector(UNDEFINED_ARGUMENTS));
    #undef TEXT
                L lower_;
                U upper_;
                C cdr_;
                const L& left() const { return lower_; }
                const C& cdr() const {return cdr_; }
                template<typename T>
                typename functional<L,T>::type begin() const {
                    return functional<L,T>::form(lower_);
                template<typename T>
                typename functional<U,T>::type end() const {
                    return functional<U,T>::form(upper_);
                template<typename T, class F, class A>
                void evaluate(const F &f, const A &arguments) const {
                    T i = this->begin<T>()(arguments);
    #define AS_VECTOR(var, expr) BOOST_AUTO(var, fusion::as_vector(expr))
    #define ADVANCE_C(seq) fusion::advance_c<N>(fusion::begin(seq))
                    AS_VECTOR(b, fusion::erase(arguments, ADVANCE_C(arguments)));
                    AS_VECTOR(a, fusion::insert_range(b, ADVANCE_C(b),
    #undef ADVANCE_C
    #undef AS_VECTOR
                    while (fusion::invoke_function_object(this->end<T>(), a)) {
                        this->apply<T>(cdr_, f, a);
                template<typename T, class E, class F, class V>
                void apply(const E &e, const F &f, const V &variables) const {
                    e.template evaluate<T>(f, variables);
                template<typename T, class F, class V>
                void apply(const undefined&, const F &f, const V &variables) const {
                    fusion::invoke_function_object(f, fusion::as_vector(variables));
            template<int N, class  L, class U>
            expression<N, L, U>
            make_expression(const L &lower, const U& upper) {
                return expression<N, L, U>(lower, upper, undefined());
            template<int N, class  L, class U>
            expression<N, L, U>
            make_expression(const expression<N, L, undefined> &expr, const U& right) {
                return expression<N, L, U>(expr.left(), right, undefined());
            template<int N1, class L1, class U1, class T1,
                     int N2, class L2, class U2>
            expression<N2, L2, U2, expression<N1, L1, U1, T1> >
            operator,(const expression<N1, L1, U1, T1> &e1,
                      const expression<N2, L2, U2> &e2)  {
                return e2(e1);
    #define ARGUMENT(N) phoenix::actor<phoenix::argument<N> >
    #define ACTOR_COMPOSITE(O,L,R)                                          \
            phoenix::actor<typename phoenix::as_composite<O, L, R>::type>
    #define LOWER_BOUND_OPERATOR(op, eval, param)                           \
            template <typename T, int N>                                    \
            expression<N, param, undefined>                                 \
            operator op (const param& left, const index<N> &i) {            \
                return make_expression<N>(left, undefined());               \
    #define UPPER_BOUND_OPERATOR_INDEX(op, eval, param)             \
            template <typename T, int N>                            \
            expression<N, undefined,                                \
                       ACTOR_COMPOSITE(eval, ARGUMENT(N), param)>   \
            operator op (const index<N> &i, const param& e) {       \
                return make_expression<N>(undefined(),              \
                                          (ARGUMENT(N)() op e));    \
    #define UPPER_BOUND_OPERATOR_EXPRESSION(op, eval)                       \
            template <typename T, int N, class E>                           \
            expression<N, E, ACTOR_COMPOSITE(eval, ARGUMENT(N), T)>         \
            operator op (const expression<N, E, undefined> &left,           \
                         const T& right) {                                  \
                return make_expression(left, (ARGUMENT(N)() op right));     \
    #define UPPER_BOUND_OPERATOR(op, eval)                                  \
            UPPER_BOUND_OPERATOR_INDEX(op, eval, T)                         \
            UPPER_BOUND_OPERATOR_INDEX(op, eval, phoenix::actor<T>)         \
            LOWER_BOUND_OPERATOR( < , phoenix::less_eval, T)
            LOWER_BOUND_OPERATOR( < , phoenix::less_eval, phoenix::actor<T>)
            LOWER_BOUND_OPERATOR( <= , phoenix::less_equal_eval, T)
            LOWER_BOUND_OPERATOR( <= , phoenix::less_equal_eval, phoenix::actor<T>)
            UPPER_BOUND_OPERATOR( < , phoenix::less_eval)
            UPPER_BOUND_OPERATOR( <= , phoenix::less_equal_eval)
    namespace index {
        using namespace boost::phoenix;
        boost::phoenix::actor<boost::phoenix::argument<0> > const i;
        boost::phoenix::actor<boost::phoenix::argument<1> > const j;
        boost::phoenix::actor<boost::phoenix::argument<2> > const k;
        boost::phoenix::actor<boost::phoenix::argument<3> > const l;
        template<int N>
        range_::detail::index<N> range(const boost::phoenix::actor<
                                       boost::phoenix::argument<N> >&) {
            return range_::detail::index<N>();
        template<int N, class F>
        range_::detail::index<N> range(const boost::phoenix::actor<
                                       boost::phoenix::argument<N> >&,
                                       const F &f) {
            // return range_::detail::index<N>();
            throw std::exception("not implemented");
    int main(){
        using namespace index;
        // formula domain language rough prototype
        // stuff in brackets can be any valid phoenix lambda expression
        // physicist notation, lower bound may be implicit
        (range(i) <= j, 3 <= range(j) < 4)[std::cout << i << " " << j << std::endl];
        // implicit physicist notation, not done yet
        //(range(i) < range(j) < 4)[...]
        // programmer notation, same as above , but order is reversed
        (3 <= range(j) < 4)(range(i) <= j)[std::cout << i << " " << j << std::endl];
        // ignore, some early prototype for lambda tensor
        // size_t N = 4;
        // tensor::tensor<4> T(N,N,N,N);
         // tensor::function<tensor::tensor<4> > T_(T);
        // (range(j) < 4)(range(i) <= j)[std::cout << T_(i,j,0,0)];
        // (range(i) < j, range(j) < N)[T_(i,j,0,0) = T_(j,i,0,0)];
        // sum(j < val(N))[T_(i,j,0,0)];
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