getting a JRE system library unbound error in build path, tried all suggestions from the below links, however did not work. I have jdk 1.6.0_29, I have also tried to install oth
I too faced the same issue. I followed the following steps to resolve my issue -
If the above steps don't work for you, instead of Workspace default JRE, you can choose an Alternate JRE and give the path to the JRE that you want to point.
Another option is:
Pointing the project at your installed JRE might be a better choice than renaming your JRE to match the old project code.
oh boy, this got resolved, I just had to name my Installed JRE appropriately. I had only the jdk installed and eclipse had taken the default jdk name, i renamed it to JavaSE-1.6 and voila it worked, though i had to redo everthing from the scratch.
This is like user3076252's answer, but you'll be choosing a different set of options:
It should find your unbound JRE, but this time with all the numbers in it's name (rather than unbound), and you can select it. It will take a while to search the drive, but you can stop it at any time, and it will save the results, if any.
The solution that work for me is the following:
Go to project then
Right click on project---> Build Path-->Configure build path
Now there are 4 tabs Source, Projects, Libraries, Order and Export
Go to
Libraries tab --> Click on Add Library (shown at the right side) -->
select JRE System Library --> Next-->click Alternate JRE --> select
Installed JRE--> Finish --> Apply--> OK.