Redshift COPY command delimiter not found

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有刺的猬 2021-02-02 07:09

I\'m trying to load some text files to Redshift. They are tab delimited, except for after the final row value. That\'s causing a delimiter not found error. I only see a way to s

  • 2021-02-02 07:19

    I know this was answered, but I just dealt with the same error and I had a simple solution so i'll share it.

    This error can also be solved by stating the specific columns of the table that are copied from the s3 files (if you know what are the columns in the data on s3). In my case the data had less columns than the number of columns in the table. Madahava's answer with the 'FILLRECORD' option DID solve the issue for me but then I noticed a column that was supposed to filled up with default values, remained null.

    COPY <table> (col1, col2, col3) from 's3://somebucket/file' ...
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  • 2021-02-02 07:19

    I'm sure there are multiple scenarios that would return this error. I just came across one that I don't see mentioned in the other answers while I was debugging someone else's code. The COPY had the EXPLICIT_IDS option listed, the table it was trying to import into had a column with a data type of identity(1,1), but the file it was trying to import into Redshift did not have an ID field. It made sense for me to add the identity field to the file. But, I imagine removing the EXPLICIT_IDS option would also have fixed the issue.

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  • 2021-02-02 07:20

    You can get the delimiter not found error if your row has less columns than expected. Some CSV generators may just output a single quote at the end if last columns are null.

    To solve this you can use FILLRECORD on Redshift copy options.

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  • 2021-02-02 07:28

    This may not be directly related to the OP's question but I received the same Delimiter not found error which was caused by newline characters within one of the fields.

    For any field that you think may have newline characters you can remove them with:

    replace(my_field, chr(10), '')
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  • 2021-02-02 07:30

    When you send fewer fields than expected on the destin table, it will also throw this error.

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  • 2021-02-02 07:46

    I don't think the problem is with missing <tab> at the end of lines. Are you sure that ALL lines have correct number of fields?

    Run the query:

    select le.starttime, d.query, d.line_number, d.colname, d.value,
    le.raw_line, le.err_reason    
    from stl_loaderror_detail d, stl_load_errors le
    where d.query = le.query
    order by le.starttime desc
    limit 100

    to get the full error report. It will show the filename with errors, incorrect line number, and error details.

    This will help to find where the problem lies.

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