Eclipse loops endlessly: Invoking 'Maven Project Builder'

后端 未结 18 773
遇见更好的自我 2021-02-02 05:56

Ugh! My Eclipse is stuck in an endless loop:

  • No operations to display at this time
  • Refreshing Workspace Building
  • Workspace. Invoking \'Maven Pro
  • I was able to resolve this by right clicking on the project and selecting Run As > Maven Clean

    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-02-02 06:29

    I linked some files in eclipse but the source file was missing (deleted in the meantime). This caused eclipse to restart the build. Deleting the broken link solved the problem.

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  • 2021-02-02 06:30

    This issue generally also comes when maven unable to delete some file may that is having too long name. So you can manually go to your target folder and clean it and restart eclipse.

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  • 2021-02-02 06:37

    I was getting the same issue in an eclipse (Juno) Maven project that had nothing to do with GWT - it just kept refreshing and "Invoking Maven Project Builder". Going to the Progress view and requesting a cancellation of either progress entry (by clicking that red stop button on the right) didn't help.

    The project the builder kept getting stuck on was always the same, and a couple of levels deep in a set of multi-pom maven projects in eclipse.

    What eventually solved it for me was just going into that particular project's Properties > Builders and unchecking Maven Project Builder (but keeping the Java Builder checked so that it would still auto-build when code changed). I just ignored the warning about this being an "advanced operation" and possibly having "many side-effects" - I figured it couldn't be any more annoying than that constant build-refresh cycle. I'm still not sure what the cause of this loop was, but that stopped it for me. And I haven't had any problems since.

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  • 2021-02-02 06:39

    I actually solved the problem that was caused by the jaxb plugin. If the forceRegenerate is set to true you will get the build loop in eclipse (Kepler in my case).

    Verify that you have forceRegenerate set to false in your maven-jaxb-plugin.

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  • 2021-02-02 06:40

    In my case, I was working with react so running node using frontend plugin. If node is running then it stucks on Invoking 'Maven Project Builder'. I closed node and invoking was completed asap. Node instance running in eclipse was creating issue. I am using windows so going into task manager I closed node instances like shown in image and it works fine. You can check if there is any instance under eclipse which is causing issue.

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