I use Maven assembly plugin to create an assembly for my multi-module project. There are two separate applications built from this multi-module project, each having a separate s
I've always had similar experiences using the assembly plugin with multi-module projects where the end result wasn't what I expected. I hope someone else can provide a more accurate answer as to why that's happening and how best to use those two concepts in tandem.
That said, a possible work-around would be to have module1 and module2 generate their own assembly artifacts which contain their respective jars and dependencies. Then you can modify the assembly sub-module pom file to have dependencies on the generated distribution artifacts from its sibling modules and then unpack those into a new assembly.
In both Module1 and Module2's pom files you can add an assembly plugin configuration to your package phase much like you did with the assembly sub-module.
Module1 would have a src/main/assembly/descriptor.xml like this
And Module2 will have a similar src/main/assembly/descriptor.xml
Then in the assembly/pom.xml you would add the Module 1 and 2 zip artifacts as dependencies
...and trim up the assembly/src/main/assembly/descriptor.xml file to look like this
Like I said this would be one possible work around and unfortunately adds a significant amount of additional XML configuration to your build process. But it works.