I\'m looking at visualization options for a graph database project that I have coming up. Part of the job is to provide an interactive visualization of the data for public webs
Check out Neo4j GraphGists. A GraphGist allows you to embed a Neo4j database, Cypher queries, and visualize the results in a web page. Lots of examples listed on the GraphGist wiki.
Also take a look at Mashed Datatoes, a bar chart, pie chart like visualization software for Neo4j.
It uses Movie database for demo. Try selecting "Person" as start label.
The Neo4j browser is an Angular.js application using d3.js as visualization. The code is all open source an on https://github.com/neo4j/neo4j/tree/2.2/community/browser/lib/visualization so you can check it out there.
In general http://maxdemarzi.com is a good source for visualization blog posts as is http://neo4j.org/develop/visualization