I maintain a complex Angular (1.5.x) application that is being E2E tested using Protractor (2.5.x). I am experiencing a problem with this approach, which presents primarily in t
Just Say No to More End-to-End Tests!
That said, here are the few things you can do to tackle our mutual merciless "flakiness" enemy:
and chromedriver
with ituse dragons browser.wait() with a set of built-in or custom Expected Conditions. This is probably by far the most reliable way to approach the problem. Unfortunately, this is use-case and problem specific, you would need to modify your actual tests in the problematic places. For example, if you need to click an element, wait for it to be clickable:
var EC = protractor.ExpectedConditions;
var elm = $("#myid");
browser.wait(EC.elementToBeClickable(elm), 5000);
maximize the browser window (to avoid random element not visible or not clickable errors). Put this to onPrepare()
in problematic places. I am not sure why this helps but I've seen reports where it definitely helped to fix a flaky test.it()
block until done
is called in beforeEach()
There are also other problem-specific "tricks" like slow typing into the text box, clicking via JavaScript etc.
Yes, I think all of us experienced such flakiness issue.
Actually, the flakiness is quite common issue with any browser automation tool. However, this is supposed to be less in case of Protractor as Protractor has built-in wait consideration which performs actions only after loading the dom properly. But, in few cases you might have to use some explicit waits if you see intermittent failures.
I prefer to use few intelligent wait methods like:
function waitForElementToClickable(locator) {
var domElement = element(by.css(locator)),
isClickable = protractor.ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(domElement);
return browser.wait(isClickable, 2000)
.then(function () {
return domElement;
Where 2000 ms is used as timeout, you can make it configurable using a variable.Sometimes I also go with browser.sleep()
when none of my intelligent wait works.
It's been my experience that some methods (eg. sendKeys()
) do not always fire at the expected time, within the controlFlow()
queue, and will cause tests to be flakey. I work around this by specifically adding them to the controlFlow()
. Eg:
this.enterText = function(input, text) {
return browser.controlFlow().execute(function() {
A workaround that my team has been using is to re-run only failed tests using the plugin protractor-errors. Using this tool, we can identify real failures versus flakey tests within 2-3 runs. To add the plugin, just add a require statement to the bottom of the Protractor config's onPrepare function:
exports.config = {
onPrepare: function() {
You will need to pass these additional parameters when to run your tests with the plugin:
protractor config.js --params.errorsPath 'jasmineReports' --params.currentTime (timestamp) --params.errorRun (true or false)
There is also a cli tool that will handle generating the currentTime if you don't have an easy way to pass in a timestamp.