see code snippet
public interface I0
void f0();
public struct S0:I0
void I0.f0()
public class A where E :I0
public E
Since interfaces are treated as reference types, there is no way to call a method on a struct referred to by an interface without having to box the underlying struct first.
When using a generic method enforcing the type to implement the interface, the C# compiler simply lifts the actual implementation details and hence the calling convention to the runtime. Luckily the C# compiler is smart enough to instruct the JIT compiler that the subjected type does implement interface X and might be a struct. With this information the JIT compiler can figure out how to invoke method Y declared by interface X.
The above trick is not usable for a non-generic method call since there is no practical way for the JIT compiler to figure out the actual type represented by the argument X when X is a non sealed class or interface. Hence, there is no way for the C# compiler to generate JIT that deals with a lookup table in case the type represented by the interface passed is a non-sealed class and a direct method invocation that deals with structs and sealed classes.
When using dynamic you can, in theory, prevent boxing however the loss of performance for introducing the DLR will likely yield no benefit at all.
It depends... you specifically say you don't want a generic class... the only other option is a generic method in a non-generic class. The only other time you can get the compiler to emit a constrained
call is if you call ToString()
, GetHashCode()
or Equals()
(from object
) on a struct
, since those are then constrained
- if the struct
has an override
they will be call
; if it doesn't have an override
, they will be callvirt
. Which is why you should always override
those 3 for any struct
;p But I digress. A simple example would be a utility class with some static methods - extension methods would be an ideal example, since you also get the advantage that the compiler will switch automatically between the public/implicit API and the extension/explicit API, without you ever needing to change code. For example, the following (which shows both an implicit and explicit implementation) has no boxing, with one call
and one constrained
, which will implemented via call
at the JIT:
using System;
interface IFoo
void Bar();
struct ExplicitImpl : IFoo
void IFoo.Bar() { Console.WriteLine("ExplicitImpl"); }
struct ImplicitImpl : IFoo
public void Bar() {Console.WriteLine("ImplicitImpl");}
static class FooExtensions
public static void Bar<T>(this T foo) where T : IFoo
static class Program
static void Main()
var expl = new ExplicitImpl();
expl.Bar(); // via extension method
var impl = new ImplicitImpl();
impl.Bar(); // direct
And here's the key bits of IL:
.method private hidebysig static void Main() cil managed
.maxstack 1
.locals init (
[0] valuetype ExplicitImpl expl,
[1] valuetype ImplicitImpl impl)
L_0000: ldloca.s expl
L_0002: initobj ExplicitImpl
L_0008: ldloc.0
L_0009: call void FooExtensions::Bar<valuetype ExplicitImpl>(!!0)
L_000e: ldloca.s impl
L_0010: initobj ImplicitImpl
L_0016: ldloca.s impl
L_0018: call instance void ImplicitImpl::Bar()
L_001d: ret
.method public hidebysig static void Bar<(IFoo) T>(!!T foo) cil managed
.custom instance void [mscorlib]System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ExtensionAttribute::.ctor()
.maxstack 8
L_0000: ldarga.s foo
L_0002: constrained. !!T
L_0008: callvirt instance void IFoo::Bar()
L_000d: ret
One downside of an extension method, though, is that it is doing an extra copy of the struct
(see the ldloc.0
) on the stack, which might be a problem if it is either oversized, or if it is a mutating method (which you should avoid anyway). If that is the case, a ref
parameter is helpful, but note that an extension method cannot have a ref this
parameter - so you can't do that with an extension method. But consider:
Bar(ref expl);
Bar(ref impl);
static void Bar<T>(ref T foo) where T : IFoo
which is:
L_001d: ldloca.s expl
L_001f: call void Program::Bar<valuetype ExplicitImpl>(!!0&)
L_0024: ldloca.s impl
L_0026: call void Program::Bar<valuetype ImplicitImpl>(!!0&)
.method private hidebysig static void Bar<(IFoo) T>(!!T& foo) cil managed
.maxstack 8
L_0000: ldarg.0
L_0001: constrained. !!T
L_0007: callvirt instance void IFoo::Bar()
L_000c: ret
Still no boxing, but now we also never copy the struct, even for the explicit case.