Dealing with SQL shows us some limitations and gives us an opportunity to imagine what could be.
Which improvements to SQL are you waiting for? Which would you put on t
These are all MS Sql Server/T-SQL specific:
Abstract tables and sub-classing
create abstract table person
id primary key,
name varchar(50)
create table concretePerson extends person
birth date,
death date
create table fictionalCharacter extends person
creator int references
Automated dba notification in the case where the optimizer generates a plan different that the plan that that the query was tested with.
In other words, every query can be registered. At that time, the plan is saved. Later when the query is executed, if there is a change to the plan, the dba receives a notice, that something unexpected occurred.
Some kind of UPGRADE table which allows to make changes on the table to be like the given:
A way of dynamically specifying columns/tables without having to resort to full dynamic sql that executes in another context.
A relational algebra DIVIDE operator. I hate always having to re-think how to do all elements of table a that are in all of given from table B.