Relationship between event loop,libuv and v8 engine

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我寻月下人不归 2021-02-01 19:45

I am learning through the architecture of Node.js. I have following questions.

  1. Is event loop a part of libuv or v8?
  2. Is event queue a part of event loop? a
  • 2021-02-01 20:35

    This is actually not as simple as given in the post selected as the answer. I hope my remarks will be a bit more exact. Hopefully I understood Sam Roberts (IBM) correctly in his talk on the Node event loop.

    To view the talk yourself you can go here:

    This is an addon to the answer given by @jmrk

    Libuv delegates tasks to the underlying operating system. The operating system then becomes responsible for sending a notification when an event occurs you are listening to. It does this for a lot of the operations you perform in Node. Like: sockets (net/dgram/http/tls/https/child_process pipes, stdin, out, err), timeouts and intervals.

    However not everything can be delagated like this to the underlying OS. Sometimes it is required to create a thread (there are 4 treads by default but you can change this using UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE). Not pollable are file system operations, dns.lookup() and some crypto functions.

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  • 2021-02-01 20:36

    Go through these points:-

    1. V8 engine is the engine for coaches of train. It has certain responsibilites including providing event loop to run asynchronous task.

    2. Event loop is the core to perform async tasks. As soon as,C++ Web APIs finish a function(task) , callback is called.It is moved to event queue and waits untill stack becomes empty. Thus, event queue is part of event loop and are generated by event loop.

    3. V8 engine is used to execute the javascript code we write and libuv is a lbrary used to provide multi threading feature in Nodejs to execute long running processes.

    4. Event loop is single threaded but Nodejs is not single threaded as it has a libuv threadpool in its runtime which is responsible for multi threading.

    5. Browsers APIs also provide event loop.

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  • 2021-02-01 20:43
    1. The event loop is, first and foremost, a high-level concept that's a fundamental part of the JavaScript programming model. Practically, every V8 embedder needs to implement an event loop. V8 provides a default implementation, which embedders can replace or extend.

    2. I don't understand the question. (I guess the answer is "yes", but what's the difference between "event loop" and "event queue"?)

    3. None. (Except that Node.js uses both.)

    4. Yes, the event loop is single-threaded.

    5. Yes, browsers have an event loop too (see question 1).

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