I\'m trying to figure out how to generate a graph with hyperlinks you can click to access more detailed information on each node / edge in the graph. I found that graphviz has t
The map created by graphviz can typically be used in a HTML page.
The idea is to run graphviz twice: once to create the map, and once to create the image.
dot -Tcmapx example1_graph.dot -o test.cmapx
dot -Tpng example1_graph.dot -o test.png
Then the image is served in a HTML page together with the map. The syntax would be something like this:
<img src="/test.png" usemap="#G" alt="graphviz graph" />
<!-- graphviz generated map -->
<map id="G" name="G">
<area shape="poly" href="google.com" title="boot-master" alt="" coords="297,29 292,22 279,15 258,10 233,7 204,5 175,7 150,10 129,15 116,22 111,29 116,37 129,43 150,49 175,52 204,53 233,52 258,49 279,43 292,37"/>
The important part being usemap="#G"
which links the image to the map.
See also this page for an example of a html page serving image and map together.
An other format making use of the Url is SVG:
dot -Tsvg example1_graph.dot -o test.svg
If you open test.svg
in a browser, nodes containing URLs are clickable.
(Btw, depending on your use, you may want to prefix URLs with http://