How can I change my working directory to the path of the file that I currently have open?
That's actually a builtin. (here's the help link)
:set autochdir
Stick that in your .vimrc or whatnot (:e $MYVIMRC
). As mentioned here, sometimes plugins will have issues with that and you need to use something more complicated like
autocmd BufEnter * lcd %:p:h
To change to the directory of the currently open file (this sets the current directory for all windows in Vim):
:cd %:p:h
You can also change the directory only for the current window (each window has a local current directory that can be different from Vim's global current directory):
:lcd %:p:h
In these commands, % gives the name of the current file, %:p gives its full path, and %:p:h gives its directory (the "head" of the full path).
You can just type
:cd %:h
since %:h
will be replaced by the head of the path to the current file.