I am trying to debug Maven tests in IntelliJ IDEA. When I open IDEA\'s Maven Projects view and right-click on test goal, I get an option to debug it. C
Just disable the forked mode - something like this in your pom file (under project/build/plugins section):
One solution would be to use remote debugging:
configure the surefire plugin: <debugForkedProcess>true</debugForkedProcess>
run the test (will wait for a remote debugger to connect)
If you're running unit tests with maven failsafe rather than surefire, then debugger will not stop and you have to manually run a failsafe debugger command line and then intellij will be able to stop on the breakpoints. I am unsure if using <forkMode>never</forkMode>
option on failsafe solves this issue.
As I describe here: https://github.com/djangofan/maven-failsafe-debug-example
Your sources for the dependencies do not match the binary code. Make sure you're using the same sources.