As the Title of my question, I don\'t know how to install the Command_Line_Tools_macOS_10.14_for_Xcode_10_Beta for my mac, please help.
What I did:
There is an issue with Beta 3 and Homebrew. I literally spent 2 hours trying everything listed here to no avail. I was only able to make it work by installing Beta 2, installing Homebrew and then updating to Beta 3.
Homebrew and Beta 3 - Command Line Tools
Following worked for me:
After you updated to Mojave 10.14 Go to search for "command line" then
download "Command line tool for MacOS 10.14"
Once dmg is downloaded install the package.
Verify package installation
It looks like you have two versions of the xcode installed on your machine. First select the latest version of the xcode by running this command:
sudo xcode-select -switch <path/to/>
Once this is done, install the required command line tools but running this command:
xcode-select --install
This worked for me:
application and wait for it to install necessary packages when it prompts it at launchsudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/
Now brew update
should work again.
This fixed things for me, on a fresh 10.14 Beta 3 install.
sudo installer -pkg /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Packages/macOS_SDK_headers_for_macOS_10.14.pkg -target /
In the terminal run the command:
sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/
note: xcode-select --install
command is deprecated, but the command line tools should installed already.