Just wondering how to test that actionmailer requests are actually sent to the delayed_job que in rspec.
I would have assumed it was quite simple, but my delayed_job que
@zetetic I think we have to pass block in change method here.
It shoulb be like this:
it "queues mail when a contact is created" do
Contact.stub(:new) { mock_model(Contact,:save => true) }
expect {
post :create, {}
}.to change { Delayed::Job.count }.by(1)
This thread is a bit old, but here is my go at it:
Create a function expect_jobs
def expect_jobs n, time = nil
expect(Delayed::Job.count).to eq(n)
Timecop.travel(time) unless time.nil?
successes, failures = Delayed::Worker.new.work_off
expect(successes).to eq(n)
expect(failures).to eq(0)
expect(Delayed::Job.count).to eq(0)
Timecop.travel(Time.now) unless time.nil?
Then simply call it before checking if the callback has done its job. eg:
it "sends a chapter to the admin user" do
post :chapter_to_user, { chapter: @book.chapters.first}
SubscribeMailer.should have(1).delivery
SubscribeMailer.deliveries.should have(1).attachment
This seems to work on my side, and allows me to run both my delayed jobs and my methods.
You can also follow the convention (from Railscast 275) of
ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last.to.should == user.email
but instead do this:
Delayed::Job.last.handler.should have_content(user.email)
I think your mock object is somehow introducing an error -- it's hard to tell exactly how without seeing the definition of the mock_contact
In any case, you might try something along these lines:
it "queues mail when a contact is created" do
Contact.stub(:new) { mock_model(Contact,:save => true) }
Delayed::Job.count.should == 0
post :create, {}
Delayed::Job.count.should == 1
or the sexier version (caveat: I always end up doing it the non-sexy way):
it "queues mail when a contact is created" do
Contact.stub(:new) { mock_model(Contact,:save => true) }
expect {
post :create, {}
}.to change(Delayed::Job.count).by(1)
You can also test what the jobs will do by running them or turning off queuing.
Tweak config whenever you want (i.e. in a before :each
Delayed::Worker.delay_jobs = false
or perform your saved jobs
Delayed::Worker.new.work_off.should == [1, 0]
I have been using this method happily for a while. For one thing, using the new any_instance
support in RSpec, you can test your delayed methods effects directly. However, I've found tests that use work_off
to be slow.
What I usually do now is:
mock_delay = double('mock_delay').as_null_object
Then I have a separate spec for my_delayed_method
. This is much faster, and probably better unit testing practice -- particularly for controllers. Though if you're doing request specs or other integration-level specs, then you probably still want to use work_off