I have an Ecto.Query
and a Repo
, such that I can call Repo.all(query)
and get results. However, the results are not what I expect.
is added to the module you use Ecto.Repo
on. By convention, that module would be named MyApp.Repo
(MyApp would be your app's name). Internally, it would use Ecto.Adapters.SQL.to_sql/3
, but Ecto.Adapters.SQL
is more of an internal module.
Using it would look like:
iex> query = Ecto.Query.where(Post, [p], p.views > 10)
iex> MyApp.Repo.to_sql(:all, query)
{"SELECT p.id, p.title, p.inserted_at, p.created_at FROM posts as p WHERE p.views > $1", [10]}
A convenient helper method for printing raw SQL
def print_sql(queryable) do
IO.inspect(Ecto.Adapters.SQL.to_sql(:all, Repo, queryable))
def list_new_foos() do
|> where([foo], foo.bar == 1337)
|> limit(100)
|> print_sql
|> Repo.all()
It's basically Gazler
s answer, but modified to use in code:
query = from p in Post
{query, params} = Ecto.Adapters.SQL.to_sql(:all, Repo, query)
IO.puts("#{query}, #{inspect(params)}")
You could use simple IO.inspect
, but it'll output a query with backslashes.
You can use Ecto.Adapters.SQL.to_sql/3:
iex> Ecto.Adapters.SQL.to_sql(:all, Repo, Post)
{"SELECT p.id, p.title, p.inserted_at, p.created_at FROM posts as p", []}
This function is also available under the repository with name to_sql
if you’re using a SQL based adapter:
iex> Repo.to_sql(:all, Post)
{"SELECT p.id, p.title, p.inserted_at, p.created_at FROM posts as p", []}
The query can be any struct that implements the Ecto.Queryable protocol like Post
above(which is a module that imports Ecto.Schema
). An Ecto.Query
can also be passed:
iex> query = Ecto.Query.where(Post, [p], p.views > 10)
iex> Ecto.Adapters.SQL.to_sql(:all, Repo, query)
{"SELECT p.id, p.title, p.inserted_at, p.created_at FROM posts as p WHERE p.views > $1", [10]}