I want to indent from the second line.
I want to write in LaTeX something like this:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur a
When you create a list the list margin is indented by one indent (\leftmargini) and \itemindent is 0; if you set the \itemindent equal to the negative of the left margin, the hanging indent will line up exactly with the outer scope margin, and you'll get exactly one indent inside the list. It is a quick and simple way to get in and out of a hanging indented list setting only one value: \itemindent.
\item \lipsum[1]
\item \lipsum[2]
I found this solution. For me it's better because it is valid for all text since this point: I don't need to repeat the command for every paragraph:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Proin eu tempor velit. Fusce accumsan ultrices fringilla. Praesent
sed odio mi. Mauris non ligula turpis. Duis posuere lacus nec diam
interdum dictum suscipit magna molestie. Vestibulum nibh dolor,
interdum eget rhoncus ut, sodales eget justo. Morbi blandit lorem
sit amet nulla egestas aliquam. Nunc pharetra est at nibh ullamcorper
in commodo erat dignissim. Cras et suscipit enim.
Nunc adipiscing ligula at ligula egestas id ullamcorper felis luctus.
Aliquam tincidunt turpis sed eros pellentesque iaculis. Nulla
imperdiet cursus enim condimentum congue.
Now my normal text!