Conditionally define variable in Ansible

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情深已故 2021-02-01 12:35

I want to conditionally define a variable in an Ansible playbook like this:

my_var: \"{{ \'foo\' if my_condition}}\"

  • 2021-02-01 13:07

    My example, after

        sudoGroup: "{{ 'sudo' if ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu' else 'wheel' }}"

    Because of the different sudo conventions used by Ubuntu versus other platforms, here I am telling Ansible to set a variable named sudoGroup to sudo if the platform is Ubuntu, otherwise set it to wheel.

    Later in my playbook, I combine the variable with Ansible's user module to add either sudo or wheel to an account's secondary groups depending on the OS Ansible is running on:

    - name: Add or update bob account
        name: bob
        uid: 3205
        groups: "{{ sudoGroup }}"
        append: yes


    • Double quotes around the {{ variable }} are required in the user: groups: definition above.
    • Once I define sudoGroup as above in my playbook's global vars: section, Ansible configures it at run time (based on ansible_distribution) for each target I define in my hosts: section.
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  • 2021-02-01 13:07

    I believe you're after the default(omit) filter. (Reference).

    As per the example, mode will behave like it wasn't set at all for the first two items in the loop.

    - name: touch files with an optional mode
        dest: "{{item.path}}"
        state: touch
        mode: "{{item.mode|default(omit)}}"
        - path: /tmp/foo
        - path: /tmp/bar
        - path: /tmp/baz
          mode: "0444"
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-02-01 13:19

    This code may help you to define a variable with condition.

    - hosts: node1
      gather_facts: yes
       - name: Check File
         shell: ls -ld /etc/postfix/post-install
         register: result
         ignore_errors: yes
       - name: Define Variable
             exists: "{{ result.stdout }}"
         when: result|success
       - name: Display Variable
         debug: msg="{{ exists }}"
         ignore_errors: yes

    So here the exists will display only if the condition is true.

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  • 2021-02-01 13:22

    You could use something like this:

    my_var: "{{ 'foo' if my_condition else '' }}"

    The 'else' will happen if condition not match, and in this case will set a empty value for the variable. I think this is a short, readable and elegant solution.

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