I have forms that uses the template-driven blueprint, so something like this:
This is what helped me:
<- the method that will be called(ngSubmit)="onSubmit()"
<form [formGroup]="form" (ngSubmit)="onSubmit()">
I am not sure if there are side-effects of removing (ngSubmit)
from the form.
BTW: I observed that
<form (keydown.enter)="$event.preventDefault()" (keydown.shift.enter)="$event.preventDefault()"></form>
have disabled custom validators.
To allow enter key to work in textareas but prevent from submitting form, you could modify as follows:
In HTML template:
<form (keydown.enter)="handleEnterKeyPress($event)">...</form>
In the component's class in the .ts code behind:
handleEnterKeyPress(event) {
const tagName = event.target.tagName.toLowerCase();
if (tagName !== 'textarea') {
return false;
Angular 10
$event.preventDefault() did not work for me - $event.stopPropagation did.