I have an app in which I am implementing authentication using devise and omniauth. Ive got the logging in / out etc figured out, what i wanted to know was, what is the most effi
You can accomplish this using something like Koala. When you authenticate the user, you can grab the access token. Assuming you've followed the Devise/Omniauth tutorial, you could do something like so:
def self.find_for_facebook_oauth(response, signed_in_resource=nil)
data = response['extra']['user_hash']
access_token = response['credentials']['token']
user = User.find_by_email(data["email"])
# only log in confirmed users
# that way users can't spoof accounts
if user and user.confirmed?
user.update_attribute('fb_access_token', access_token)
Once you have the access token, you could then do something like:
@graph = Koala::Facebook::API.new(@user.fb_access_token)
profile_image = @graph.get_picture("me")
In my app, I check to see if a user is logged in when the callback from Facebook comes. If they are, I assume the request was to link accounts. If they're not, I assume it's a login request.