I\'m trying to dynamically change (if it got clicked) a normal table header (which is a link) to another defined CSS class \'th.hilite\'. This link simply sorts this column and
You can bind it from the view directly:
%th{:class => ("hilite" if @sort == "title")}= link_to 'Movie Title'...
However, you will also have to declare the @sort
instance variable in your controller, and set it to either title or release, according to which column you are sorting. (i.e. @sort = params[:sort]
BTW as long as values of your param match column name - no need to code each one
def index
@movies = Movie.order(params[:by]).all
Javascript or jquery is not required..
The following HAML will work
%th{:class=>('title' == @sortby)?'hilite':""}= link_to 'Movie Title', movies_path(:sort => 'title'), :id => 'title_header'
You should use JavaScript to do this. I think it's good idea for you to use jQuery instead of pure JavaScript. Here are some examples
Be careful not to put logic (even conditionals) in your views if you can find a way around it. In order to avoid this common mistake, you need to make good use of the params and session hashes and set appropriate variables in controllers
# In your view
%th{:class => @title_header}= link_to 'Title', my_path(:sort => 'title'), :id => 'title_header'
# In your controller
sort = params[:sort] || session[:sort]
if sort == 'title'
ordering = {:order => :title}