I want to get all the variables available in the Symfony form theme file form_div_layout.html.twig, I read the Symfony official documention and searched on the web, but couldn\'
You can pull all of the ones out of the original file, and only overload the ones that you need:
See my answer here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/41020474/5758328
You simply need to use
{% dump %}
and all variables available in the template will be dumped to the profiler
Well, you can get all the available variables in each block by iterating the context:
{% block form_widget_simple %}
{% for key, value in _context %}
<li>{{ key }}</li>
{% endfor %}
{% spaceless %}
{% set type = type|default('text') %}
<input type="{{ type }}" {{ block('widget_attributes') }} {% if value is not empty %}value="{{ value }}" {% endif %}/>
{% endspaceless %}
{% endblock form_widget_simple %}
And if you want to use yours, then you'll have to overwrite the classes that actually are rendering those widgets, just take a look at AbtractType::buildView...
As @Gregoire suggested, you can use {{ dump(_context) }}
from version 1.5 (http://twig.sensiolabs.org/doc/functions/dump.html), but be aware that it will print a big amount of info.
I hit the same problem recently, being the lack of documentation on the available variables (attributes) when working in themes. In the end I found my solution by searching through the vendor folder (took a while) for the variables I did know, to see what else is available.
The best place for me was to look in here: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type
The base type, being FieldType provides these variables via buildView
->set('form', $view)
->set('id', $id)
->set('name', $name)
->set('full_name', $fullName)
->set('errors', $form->getErrors())
->set('value', $form->getClientData())
->set('read_only', $form->isReadOnly())
->set('required', $form->isRequired())
->set('max_length', $form->getAttribute('max_length'))
->set('pattern', $form->getAttribute('pattern'))
->set('size', null)
->set('label', $form->getAttribute('label'))
->set('multipart', false)
->set('attr', $form->getAttribute('attr'))
->set('types', $types)
prototype is an attribute that only exists in the collection type, as is allow_add and allow_delete, see CollectionType in the same folder.
After the base FieldType, this appears to be the complete list.
CheckboxType.php: ->setAttribute('value', $options['value'])
ChoiceType.php: ->setAttribute('choice_list', $options['choice_list'])
ChoiceType.php: ->setAttribute('preferred_choices', $options['preferred_choices'])
ChoiceType.php: ->setAttribute('multiple', $options['multiple'])
ChoiceType.php: ->setAttribute('expanded', $options['expanded'])
ChoiceType.php: ->setAttribute('required', $options['required'])
ChoiceType.php: ->setAttribute('empty_value', $emptyValue)
CollectionType.php: ->setAttribute('prototype', $prototype->getForm());
CollectionType.php: ->setAttribute('allow_add', $options['allow_add'])
CollectionType.php: ->setAttribute('allow_delete', $options['allow_delete'])
DateTimeType.php: ->setAttribute('widget', $options['widget']);
DateType.php: ->setAttribute('formatter', $formatter)
DateType.php: ->setAttribute('widget', $options['widget']);
FormType.php: ->setAttribute('virtual', $options['virtual'])
MoneyType.php: ->setAttribute('currency', $options['currency'])
PasswordType.php: ->setAttribute('always_empty', $options['always_empty']);
RadioType.php: ->setAttribute('value', $options['value'])
TimeType.php: ->setAttribute('widget', $options['widget'])
TimeType.php: ->setAttribute('with_seconds', $options['with_seconds'])