My problem is to compute (g^x) mod p
quickly in JavaScript, where ^
is exponentiation, mod
is the modulo operation. All inputs are nonnega
I use "%" for modular (mod) and "/" for integer division. Let function f(p,g,x,r) calculate (r*g^x)%p on the condition that r<p and g<p. f() can be implemented as:
bigint_t f(p,g,x,r) {
bigint_t i, z = g, y;
for (i = 1; i < x; ++i) {
y = z; z *= g;
if (z > p) break;
if (i >= x - 1) return r*z%p; // g^x*r%p = g^x*r
else return f(p,y,x/i,g^(x%i)*r%p); // reduce to (r*g^(x%i)%p)*(g^i)^(x/i)%p
This routine involves a little more calculation, but each integer is less than 4096 bits which is usually much smaller than g^x. I believe this could be more efficient than the direct calculation. Also note that g^(x%i) can be calculated in a faster manner because we have calculated g^(i+1).
EDIT: see this post. Mehrdad gives the right (and better) solution.
Would some other client side technology that's callable from JS, such as a Java applet or Flash movie, be acceptable? BigInt's approach is already fairly fast. You can tweak BigInt, or you can try a different algorithm, but you probably won't get an order of magnitude improvement.
Try this Montgomery modular reduction from on JavaScript.
Why not do it server side in some kind of web service using a more appropriate language like C? Times will then be time for one round trip (less than 9 seconds), plus the time for the server to calculate the result using some BigInt library in native code. This is likely to be much faster.