No better answers, and I implemented by adding listener to Animated.Value
variable, you can get more info from my question description.
for Much Better Performance.I did some more tinkering and found a more performant method that makes use of addListener
and setNativeProps
constructor(props) {
this.state = { circleRadius: new Animated.Value(50) };
this.state.circleRadius.addListener( (circleRadius) => {
this._myCircle.setNativeProps({ r: circleRadius.value.toString() });
setTimeout( () => {
Animated.spring( this.state.circleRadius, { toValue: 100, friction: 3 } ).start();
}, 2000)
render() {
<Svg height="400" width="400">
<AnimatedCircle ref={ ref => this._myCircle = ref } cx="250" cy="250" r="50" fill="black" />
And this is what the animation looks like when the 2 second (2000 millisecond) timeout triggers.
So, the main thing you needed to change was using setNativeProps
instead of using setState
in your listener. This makes a native call and bypasses re-calculating the entire component, which in my case was very complex and slow to do.
Thanks for leading me towards the listener approach!
i have created a simple svg animations library based on a project by another person, for now, only Paths can be animated but more shapes and animations will be added in the future