I am currently working on a simple test app to learn more about the @ngrx/store. I have a module called TrainingModule which should store some exercises and more information. T
Your setup is almost correct.
In the createFeatureSelector
function you declare a feature key in the root of the store, 'exercises' in the example. So, you are going to select store.exercises.exercises.id
for example and feature selector is just a shortcut to store.exercises
However, in the StoreModule.forFeature('training', trainingReducers)
call you defined 'training' as the root key for your feature module.
The correct setup could look like this:
export const featureReducersMap = {
exercise: exerciseReducer,
anyOtherKey: anyOtherReducer
StoreModule.forFeature('myFeatureModule', featureReducersMap);
export interface FeatureState{
exercise: string;
anyOtherKey: number;
Then write selectors like:
export const featureSelector = createFeatureSelector<FeatureState>('myFeatureModule');
export const exerciseSelector = createSelector(
(state: FeatureState) => state.exercise
It is recommended to store the feature key in the variable instead of hardcoding it.
I can give you an example how I did it. I used an index.ts to bundle all other reducers from within the module like this:
import * as fromRoot from '../../../reducers';
import * as fromSearch from './search';
import * as fromUserDetail from './user-detail';
import * as fromDetailBase from './base';
export interface UserModuleState {
search: fromSearch.State;
detail: fromUserDetail.State;
detailBase: fromDetailBase.State;
export interface State extends fromRoot.State {
userModule: UserModuleState;
export const reducers = {
search: fromSearch.reducer,
detail: fromUserDetail.reducer,
detailBase : fromDetailBase.reducer
export const selectUserModuleState = createFeatureSelector<UserModuleState>('userModule');
export const selectSearchState = createSelector(
selectUserModuleState, (state: UserModuleState) => state.search
export const getSearchLoading = createSelector(selectSearchState, fromSearch.getLoading);
export const getSearchEntities = createSelector(selectSearchState, fromSearch.getEntities);
import { reducers } from './reducers';
imports: [
StoreModule.forFeature('userModule', reducers)
export default class UserModule { }