Similar to this question, I am trying to perform simple authentication to a 2003 Active Directory using python ldap (CentOS 6.2 x86_64, Python 2.6.6, python-ldap 2.3.10).
<This error means that your conn.set_option(ldap.OPT_REFERRALS, 0)
isn't being affected.
Therefore, try this:
import ldap
ldap.protocol_version = 3
conn = ldap.initialize('ldap://....')
conn.simple_bind_s('', 'RightPassword')
Michael Ströder, the author of the python-ldap library, enlightened me thus:
The 97 is not the LDAP result code. It's the result type ldap.RES_BIND. Normally you don't have to look at the results returned by LDAPObject.simple_bind_s() (unless you want to extract the bind response controls).
If the LDAP result code is not 0 the accompanying exception is raised like ldap.INVALID_CREDENTIALS in your example.
So your code should look like this:
conn.simple_bind_s('', 'WrongPassword')
user_error_msg('wrong password provided')
The reason for these results:
>>> conn.simple_bind_s('', 'CorrectPassword')
(97, [])
>>> conn.simple_bind_s('', '')
(97, [])
is that out of the box 2003 Active Directory allows anonymous binds. So not providing a user id at all will still pass a simple bind check, if the only thing being tested is whether simple_bind_s()
throws an error.
2003 Active Directory does require authentication for any searches that aren't attributes of the rootDSE, so for our internal purposes we added a trivial search to the try:
conn.simple_bind_s('', 'SubmittedPassword')
conn.search_st('DC=domain,DC=com', ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, '(objectClass=container)', 'name', 0, 30)
user_error_msg('wrong password provided')