I\'m new to Relay, still trying to wrap my head around it. Based on my understanding, Relay ties queries to components. This way, you can say that a component needs to be provid
Relay's APIs are primarily focused on making it easy to fetch data for components, but Relay also supports ad-hoc queries. The API is relatively low-level, with distinct functions for fetching and reading data. Here's an example of how to fetch an ad-hoc query and access the response:
// Create a query with values for any variables:
var query = Relay.createQuery(Relay.QL`query ... `, {var: 'value'});
// Fetch any fields that have not yet been cached:
Relay.Store.primeCache({query}, readyState => {
if (readyState.done) {
// When all data is ready, read the data from the cache:
var data = Relay.Store.readQuery(query)[0];
/* access fields on `data` */
If the data doesn't need to be synchronized with Relay's cache, you can also use a plain network request (XHR, fetch, etc) to send a plain string query to your GraphQL endpoint.
It's honestly probably easiest to use a separate library. I use Lokka in my node
projects and it's dead-simple and reliable.
// config
const Lokka = require('lokka').Lokka;
const Transport = require('lokka-transport-http').Transport;
const client = new Lokka({
transport: new Transport('http://graphql-swapi.parseapp.com/')
// query
allFilms {
films {
`).then(result => {