I have two input fields like this:
It's works for me!!! http://www.arctickiwi.com/blog/jquery-autocomplete-labels-escape-html-tags
(Just add code to your Javascript somewhere and your HTML tags won’t be escaped anymore in Autocomplete)
Very nice solution with respect to:
.each(function() {
$(this).data('autocomplete')._renderItem = function(ul, item) {
The purpose of calling auto-complete with the same class is when you want to have the same help list to show up in several similar fields.
Your problem is right here:
When the autocomplete widget binds to an element, each element gets its own distinct autocomplete
data value. Then, when you grab the .data('autocomplete')
to set the _renderItem
function, you'll only get one of the two distinct data objects; so the first text field gets your custom renderer but the second one stays with the default renderer.
You can see what's going on by playing with this HTML:
<div id="a"></div>
<div id="b"></div>
<div id="out"></div>
And this jQuery:
var $out = $('#out');
$out.append('<p>Setting both to {a:"a"}</p>');
$('#a').data('pancakes', { a: 'a' });
$('#b').data('pancakes', { a: 'a' });
$out.append('<p>#a.a = ' + $('#a').data('pancakes').a + '</p>');
$out.append('<p>#b.a = ' + $('#b').data('pancakes').a + '</p>');
$out.append('<p>Setting "div".a to "x"</p>');
$('div').data('pancakes').a = 'x';
$out.append('<p>#a.a = ' + $('#a').data('pancakes').a + '</p>');
$out.append('<p>#b.a = ' + $('#b').data('pancakes').a + '</p>');
And a live demo: http://jsfiddle.net/ambiguous/DM8Wv/2/
Check what the jsfiddle does and you should see what's going on.
You can iterate through the autocomplete fields and set the _renderItem
individually with something like this (untested code):
}).each(function() {
$(this).data('autocomplete')._renderItem = function(ul, item) {
You could also bind the autocomplete widget to each element individually but keeping it all together and using each
to set the _renderItem
keeps everything nicely organized.