I\'m using sails 0.9.16 with Postgres and my question is: what is the best way to execute transaction using current API with promises? May be there is something better than:
I'm currently using this exact workflow. For executing one query with promises do this:
//act on result
//handle error
//clean up
To execute multiple queries in parallel, do this:
var Promise = require('q');
//use the results
//handle errors
//clean up
If you're trying to avoid nesting in your code:
.then(function(result){//after query #1
//since you're returning a promise here, you can use .then after this
return Model.query();
.then(function(results){//after query#2
throw new Error("No results found in query #2");
return Model.differentQuery(results);
//do something with the results
Note: currently, waterline uses Q for promises. There is a pull request to switch waterline from Q to bluebird here: waterline/bluebird
When I answered this question, I'd yet to take the database class in college, so I didn't know what a transaction was. I did some digging, and bluebird allows you to do transactions with promises. The only problem is, this isn't exactly built into sails since it's some what of a special use case. Here's the code bluebird provides for this situation.
var pg = require('pg');
var Promise = require('bluebird');
function getTransaction(connectionString) {
var close;
return pg.connectAsync(connectionString).spread(function(client, done) {
close = done;
return client.queryAsync('BEGIN').then(function () {
return client;
}).disposer(function(client, promise) {
if (promise.isFulfilled()) {
return client.queryAsync('COMMIT').then(closeClient);
} else {
return client.queryAsync('ROLLBACK').then(closeClient);
function closeClient() {
if (close) close(client);
exports.getTransaction = getTransaction;
The best way to deal with transactions is when they are wrapped properly by a promise library, because transaction logic maps perfectly into the promise event chain, one doesn't have to worry about when to do COMMIT
, as it happens automatically.
Here's a complete example of how it works with pg-promise library:
var pgp = require('pg-promise')(/*options*/);
var cn = "postgres://username:password@host:port/database";
var db = pgp(cn); // database instance;
db.tx(t => {
// BEGIN has been executed
return t.batch([
t.one("insert into users(name) values($1) returning id", 'John'),
t.one("insert into users(name) values($1) returning id", 'Mike')
.then(data => {
// COMMIT has been executed
console.log(data[0].id); // print id assigned to John;
console.log(data[1].id); // print id assigned to Mike;
.catch(error => {
// ROLLBACK has been executed
console.log(error); // print why failed;