TypeScript Web-Based IDE

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暗喜 2021-02-01 06:24

Given the fact that TypeScript is Open Source, is this Web-Based IDE also available as a tool that can be downloaded anywhere?

I\'m developing a web application in which

  • 2021-02-01 06:53

    there is goormIDE which is also cloud IDE this is open source or service version

    • http://goorm.io

    • http://github.com/xenoz0718/goorm

    if you use node.js, just type this command

    $ npm install goorm -g
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  • 2021-02-01 06:54

    There are some web IDEs with support of TypeScript, namely:

    • Cloud9
    • CATS
    • JSBin (choose TypeScript from dropdown)
    • Baz

    If you think about making a new one, you could base on one of my 2 projects: TypeScript Compile or TypeScript Interpret ;)

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  • 2021-02-01 06:56

    The editor used on the playground is informally known as Monaco and it's used in Visual Studio Code.

    UPDATE 11.22.2015: Visual Studio Code is now open source, which means we have access to the source of the Monaco Editor. I think this should now give us the ability to use the Monaco Editor in a browser, I'm waiting on a response to my question in the VS Code repostiroy.

    The 'editor' (the thing that renders the code with syntax highlighting, line numbers, etc..) part of Visual Studio Code is Microsoft's Monaco editor. It is the same editor used for OneDrive, Windows Azure, TypeScript Playground, and Visual Studio Online. I have yet to find any real documentation on this editor from Microsoft but there are some articles about it around the web.

    Read more about Visual Studio Code here.

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  • 2021-02-01 06:56

    For very simple stuff you can try out https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/typescript-editey/liedfkjkedgcgpddoijfeeeeoikcbmaf

    Your typescript files will be converted to a js file on the fly and your site will be hosted for free on Google Drive.

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  • 2021-02-01 06:56

    The editor for the Typescript Playground is called Monaco, and it's available on GH / npm / etc.



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