In ie8 if elements don\'t \'repaint\' with the associated css when you change the classname, how can you force the browser to refresh and not kill ie8 performance?
Fire a move or resize event on it.
var ie8 = whateverYouUseToDetectIE();
var element = document.getElementById("my-element");
element.className += " new-class";
if (ie8) {
The correct answer to this question is that you need to actually change the content
.black-element:before { content:"Hey!"; color: #000;}
.red-element:before { content:"Hey! "; color: #f00;}
Notice the extra space I added after Hey!
on .red-element
Ridiculously, this works:
function ie8Repaint(element) {
element.html(element.html().replace('>', '>'));
Nothing actually changes in the DOM so it won't affect any other browsers.
I had a lot of difficulty and tried everything to no avail...until I tried this for IE8
function toggleCheck(name) {
el = document.getElementById(name);
if( hasClass(el, 'checked') ) {
el.className = el.className.replace(/checked/,'unchecked');
} else if( hasClass(el, 'unchecked') ) {
el.className = el.className.replace(/unchecked/,'checked');
document.body.className = document.body.className;
function hasClass(element, cls) {
return (' ' + element.className + ' ').indexOf(' ' + cls + ' ') > -1;
And now my CSS changes for my checkboxes work beautifully for IE8, Chrome, and Firefox!
This expands on the other answers here. You need to both add a new class (Doug's answer) and ensure the class has a different content value (Adam's answer). Changing the class alone may not be enough. The content change is needed to force IE8 to repaint. Here is a related blog post.
Here is the JQuery to change add the new class:
Here is CSS with the 2nd class having a slightly different content value:
.my-css-class:before {content: "\e014";}
.my-css-class2:before {content: "\e014 ";}
The solution I came up with for my ie8 issue was to add/remove a class on a near parent of the element i'm changing. Since I'm using modernizer, I check for ie8 and then do this add/remove dance to get the new css to paint.
if ($('html').is('.ie8')) {
// IE8: ui does not repaint when css class changes