I want to delete rows which satisfy any of multiple conditions.
For example, I pass a list of IDs, and I want to delete all rows with these IDs
(IDs are uni
Here's an example which builds the "?, ?, ?, ..." placeholder string with StringBuilder. If there are many parameters, plain string concatenation would create lots of garbage, StringBuilder helps with that.
String[] ids = {"0", "1", "2", "3",...};
StringBuilder placeholders = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
if (i != 0)
placeholders.append(", ");
String where = "id IN (" + placeholders.toString() + ")";
db.delete("rows", where, args);
Android official documentation tells here that using execSQL is not the proper way to delete records.
I would like to suggest the following simple method. Using provided delete()
String[] idArray = new String[] {"1", "2", "3"};
String idsCSV = TextUtils.join(",", idArray);
SQLiteDatabase db = getWritableDatabase();
if (db != null) {
db.delete("table_name", "id IN (" + idsCSV + ")", null);
You may get it done through db.execSQL
method and SQL's IN keyword. For example:
String args = TextUtils.join(", ", ids);
db.execSQL(String.format("DELETE FROM rows WHERE ids IN (%s);", args));
You could use id IN (1, 2, 3, 4, ...)
and directly print your array values inside the brackets:
database.delete("rows", String.format("id IN (%s)", StringUtils.join(ids, ",")));
As an alternative, I'd try to use some kind of flags
column for such things (if there's something like being able to flag single entries for deletion; I don't know how your ID list is "built").
I have done this using this :
Sqlite Statement Syntax :
db.delete(TABLE_NAME,"COLUMN IN (?)", new String[]{commaSaparatedString})
Example based on question :
String args = TextUtils.join(", ", ids);
db.delete("rows","id IN (?)", new String[]{args})
What you want to use is an IN
clause, something like (with 4 IDs);
database.delete("rows", "id IN (?, ?, ?, ?)", ids );
Upon request, this is (one example of) how you can do it dynamically;
"id IN (" + new String(new char[ids.length-1]).replace("\0", "?,") + "?)",