I followed the instructions in Laravel docs to install Vagrant and Homestead on Windows 10, but now I\'ve decided to move the whole development stuff to another dedicated server
Virtual Machine
Remove the homestead VM by running
vagrant box remove laravel/homestead
If you installed Homestead via composer with the following command:
composer global require laravel/homestead
run the opposite to remove it:
composer remove laravel/homestead
This will remove the .composer/vendor/laravel directory, including its 'homestead' subdirectory. The 'global' keyword is not required.
On a Mac or Linux system, the Homestead configuration files can be removed by deleting the '~/.homestead' directory. You may need to hunt a little to find the directory on your Windows system. Don't worry too much if you can't find it; the directory is small and innocuous.
Composer is usually installed as a Windows application; check Add/Remove programs (or the Windows 10 equivalent) to uninstall it.
If you installed Composer manually and it does not appear in your list of installed apps, simply remove the 'composer' binary and the configuration directory (~/.composer on Mac/Linux systems).
Run the command vagrant box remove laravel/homestead --provider=virtualbox --all
to avoid having to specify a version if multiple are on the machine.
Step 1: Get a list of all installed boxes using
$ vagrant box list
Step 2: Run vagrant remove command, specify the box name, version, and provider for example
$ vagrant box remove laravel/homestead --box-version=0.4.4 --provider=virtualbox