I keep getting \"Resource interpreted as other but transferred with MIME type text/javascript.\", but everything seems to be working fine. This only seems to be
I was getting this error due to a script with bad permissions bringing up a HTTP 403 error. I gave it read and execute rights across the board and it worked.
The most common way to get the error is with the following code:
<img src="" class="blah" />
A blank url is a shortcut for the current page url, so a duplicate request is made which returns content type html. The browser is expecting an image, but instead gets html.
Your web server is sending the content with a certain MIME type. For example, a PNG image would be sent with the HTTP header Content-type: image/png
. Configure your web server or script to send the proper content type.
There is a setting for the Apache MIME module where it misses adding the type for javascript, to resolve it, simply open the .htaccess file OR httpd.conf file, add the following lines
<IfModule mod_mime.c>
AddType text/javascript .js
Restart the apache server, issue will be resolved.
i received this error due tu a missing element which a jquery plugin tried to call via js var btnChange i commented the none needed (and non existent) images out and the warning (google chrome dev tools) was fixed:
$(mopSliderName+" .sliderCaseRight").css({backgroundImage:"url("+btnChange.src+")"});
It does cause issues if your are calling a javascript that adds functionality, it is likely to fail, as it does for me. No real answers yet.