How to avoid deadlocks?

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隐瞒了意图╮ 2021-02-01 03:30

When using multiple threads, shared memory needs to be locked by critical sections. However, using critical sections causes potential deadlocks. How can they be avoided?

  • 2021-02-01 03:40

    When I work in C++, the following works for me:

    1. all public methods (excluding ctor and dtor) of a threadsafe class lock

    2. private methods cannot call public methods

    It's not a general deadlock avoidance method.

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  • 2021-02-01 03:44

    The Related list to the right on this page contains a few links that provides interesting information on the topic.

    In addition to that list, there are many other SO questions discussing the topic, such as

    • Threading Best Practices
    • Why is lock(this) {…} bad?
    • What are common reasons for deadlocks?

    ...and many more

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  • 2021-02-01 03:51

    You must code multi-thread programs very carefully. There's no short-cut, you must understand the flow of your program, otherwise you'll be doomed.

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  • 2021-02-01 03:51

    One way is by using a non-blocking locking function. As an example, in rust You could use std::sync::Mutex::try_lock instead of std::sync::Mutex::lock.

    So so if you have this example code:

    fn transfer(tx: &Mutex<i32>, rx: &Mutex<i32>, amount: i32) -> () {
        let mut tx = tx.lock().unwrap();
        let mut rx = rx.lock().unwrap();
        *tx -= amount;
        *rx += amount;

    You could instead do something like this:

    fn transfer(tx: &Mutex<i32>, rx: &Mutex<i32>, amount: i32) -> () {
        loop {
            // Attempt to lock both mutexes
            let mut tx = tx.try_lock();
            let mut rx = rx.try_lock();
            // If both locks were successfull,
            // i.e. if they currently are not
            // locked by an other thread
            if let Ok(ref mut tx) = tx {
                if let Ok(ref mut rx) = rx {
                    // Perform the operations needed on
                    // the values inside the mutexes
                    **tx -= amount;
                    **rx += amount;
                    // Exit the loop
            // If at least one of the locks were
            // not successful, restart the loop
            // and try locking the values again.
            // You may also want to sleep the thread
            // here for a short period if You think that
            // the mutexes might be locked for a while.
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  • 2021-02-01 03:52

    You can avoid critical sections by using message passing instead (synchronous and asynchronous calls). When using synchronous calls, you still have to make sure not to make a circular call, in which thread A asks thread B a question, and B needs to ask A a question to be able to respond.

    Another option is to make asynchronous calls instead. However, it is more difficult to get return values.

    Note: Indeed, a message passing system is implemented using a critical section that locks the call queue, but it is abstracted away.

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  • 2021-02-01 03:57

    One way is to use a hierarchy of critical sections. If you ensure that a parent critical section is never entered within one of its children, deadlocks cannot happen. The difficulty is to enforce this hierarchy.

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