I have these queries :
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t_table WHERE color = \'YELLOW\';
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t_table WHERE color = \'BLUE\';
I think this can also works for you
select count(*) as anc,(select count(*) from Patient where sex='F')as
patientF,(select count(*) from Patient where sex='M') as patientM from anc
you can also even select and count related tables like this
select count(*) as anc,(select count(*) from Patient where
Patient.Id=anc.PatientId)as patientF,(select count(*) from Patient where
sex='M') as patientM from anc
This is my answer: Este Ejemplo SQL Indica la cantidad de un Grupo y Suma los encontrado con S y N por separado. Se que no es la Respuesta pero puede ser usado para otros casos. Bendito sea Israel.
SELECT sm_med_t_servicios.id as identidad, count(sm_adm_t_admision.id) as cantidad ,
SUM(IF(sm_adm_t_admision.atendido = 'S', 1, 0)) AS atendidos,
SUM(IF(sm_adm_t_admision.atendido = 'N', 1, 0)) AS por_ver
FROM sm_med_t_servicios
LEFT JOIN sm_adm_t_admision ON sm_med_t_servicios.id = sm_adm_t_admision.sm_med_t_servicios_id
WHERE sm_med_t_servicios.m_empresas_id = '2'
GROUP BY sm_med_t_servicios.id
I hope this helps you.
SELECT 'yellow' as color ,COUNT(*) FROM t_table WHERE color = 'YELLOW'
SELECT 'blue' , COUNT(*) FROM t_table WHERE color = 'BLUE'
SELECT 'red',COUNT(*) FROM t_table WHERE color = 'RED';
select color, count(*) from table where color in ('red', 'blue', 'yellow') group by 1
SELECT color, COUNT(*) FROM t_table GROUP BY color
If you want the result to be in one row you can use:
SUM(IF(color = 'YELLOW', 1, 0)) AS YELLOW,
SUM(IF(color = 'BLUE', 1, 0)) AS BLUE,
SUM(IF(color = 'RED', 1, 0)) AS RED
FROM t_table
Working example
You can do this using subquery.
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t_table WHERE color = 'YELLOW',
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t_table WHERE color = 'BLUE',
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t_table WHERE color = 'RED'