I am working on a query that will collect data from a table and display the data for a report.
The data looks like this:
Player Score
001 10
SET ArticleSource = pp.[NewsText]
FROM AllNews AS an
INNER JOIN ( select t1.Id,
stuff((SELECT distinct '.' + t2.[Text]
FROM NewsPhotos t2
where t2.NewsId = t1.Id
FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,'') as [NewsText]
from AllNews t1
group by t1.Id) as pp
ON pp.Id = an.Id
A bit late and slightly off-topic as for another RDBMS, but I found this thread searching for a solution to this problem in Postgres. I found one, so if anyone else needs to solve this problem in Pg:
SELECT string_agg(DISTINCT <column>,'delimiter') FROM <table> GROUP BY <column2>
For SQL Server you can use:
select player,
stuff((SELECT distinct ', ' + cast(score as varchar(10))
FROM yourtable t2
where t2.player = t1.player
FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,'')
from yourtable t1
group by player
Previous accepted answer is superseded in SQL 2017 and up by STRING_AGG:
SELECT Player, STRING_AGG(Score,', ') FROM YourTable GROUP BY Player
No need to use awkward FOR XML syntax.
I ran this and the accepted answer side-by-side on 100K rows. Accepted answer took 90 seconds, the STRING_AGG version takes less than 1 second.