I would like to ping one vmware guest from another one. Both are Windows XP and use NAT. I set IP manually for VMnet8 to (no using Obtain IP address automatically)
I know it is an old question, but I had a similar trouble recently. On VMware Workstation 12.+ go to Edit -> Virtual Network Editor...
Select a network used by the problematic VM and make sure that "Connect a host virtual adapter to this network"
checkbox is set for this network. In my case, it was not. After it was set, the host was able to ping the guest and guests were able to talk to each other.
I just ran into the exact same problem while configuring my server 2008 and windows 7 vm's in VMware workstation 9. what helped is disabling the firewall and running the following command at the windows command prompt
netsh firewall set icmpsetting 8 enable
at that point I was able to ping one VM then both once I performed the command on both. this differnce between our scenarios is I have my VM configured using Bridged connections
You can ping ip from one virtual machine to another machine by using these steps:
Guest Isolation : ENABLED, ENABLED and select box : ENABLE VMCI
In Menu bar
select the Host-> Virtual Network Settings -> Host Virtual Network Mapping...
set your drop down list as your host Network Adapter...If You can not ping Check your Firewall Status Because the Firewall is blocked the 'ping' packets
If i am understanding your question. You now have both VMs on the same network segment VMnet8,